We have seen many walk away from prostitution, drug addiction, poverty and many more problems that plague the nation of Iran since we began our Freedom Connection Leadership Training (FCLT). We are not just putting a bandaid on the issue but we are training these ex-addicts, prostitutes and sex trafficking victims while helping them get free from the issues they struggle with. Doing so allows the nation to become autonomous and self-sustaining one by one.
Go with us on our next trip to host a Freedom Connection Leadership Training Conference!
A great way to TAKE ACTION is to actually go and do something. We hold FCLT Conferences every 3 months, where you will be able to journey with us and fly to an undisclosed location (for the safety of our leaders) and actually BE the change. Most of your days will be spent getting to know the people, helping with the training of our leaders, and you will also get to enjoy great sites as we change things one person at a time. The best way to battle poverty is not to just throw money at things but to show someone how they can be sustainable and this is what you will have the opportunity to do.