God has blessed our ministry with another amazing year. Though 2016 has seen its ups and down, God has continued to pour out His blessings. We want to personally thank you for your commitment to the ministry through your support and prayers.
Exciting new opportunities are on the horizon and we want to be able to seize every opportunity to share the hope and salvation of Jesus. From our The Church and Islam events, our daily and weekly broadcast, video podcasts and more, we want to continue to take the freedom and love of Jesus Christ further than we ever have.
Today, I am asking you to prayerfully consider making a special year-end contribution to help finish 2016 strong and partner with us to charge ahead into 2017.
We love you and appreciate you. We thank you in advance for your support and we look forward to everything God is going to do in your life and through this ministry in the days to come.
God Bless You,